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Kính hiển vi huỳnh quang OME-TOP PF-583I

Kính hiển vi huỳnh quang OME-TOP PF-583I

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  • So sánh
  • Lượt xem: 897
  • Ngày đăng: 12/06/2017

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Mã sản phẩm PF-583I
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Địa chỉ: Nhà N02F, KĐT Mễ Trì Thượng, P. Mễ Trì, Q. Nam Từ Liêm, TP Hà Nội

Tel:  04.32005678         Fax: 04.32002828


Kính hiển vi huỳnh quang PF-583I

Model: PF-583I

Hãng sản xuất: Ome-Top

Bảo hành: 12 tháng

Thông số kỹ thuật:

- Optical system: Infinite Optical System
- Viewing head: Trinocular (Inclination of 30°, 100% image light for photography capable)
- Interpupillary Distance:  55mm - 75mm
- Eyepiece: WF 10X (20mm)

- Nosepiece: Quintuple nosepiece inner locating on ball bearing
- Objective: Fluorescent Objective:

+ Plan Long Working PLL 10X

+ Plan Long Working PLL 25X

+ Plan Long Working PLL 40X

+ Plan Long Working Phase Contrast PLL 10XPHP2

+ Plan Long Working Phase Contrast PLL 25XPHP2

+ Plan Long Working Phase Contrast PLL 40XPHP2

- Stage: 

+ Double layer mechanical

+ Size: 224mmX208mm

+ Moving range: 112mmX79mm


- Shelf of specimen:

+ Match to install 68mm or 77mmX29mm culture utensil

+ Match to install 82mmX57mm culture utensil

+ Match to install 182mmX85mm 96 holes culture utensil

- Condenser: N.A1.25 Abbe condenser with iris diaphragm & blue filter

- Focusing: Coaxial coarse/fine focus system, with tensional adjustable and up stop, minimum division of fine focusing: 2μm

- Reflected fluorescence system:

+ Mercury lamp house 100W/DC
+ Power supply unit:AV:110V or 220V

+ B, G, UV, V Wave band

- Illumination:

+ Epi-illumination, 220v(110v)/100w Mercury lamp
+ Transmission illumination:6V20W halogen bulb

- Tumplate: phase contrast unit

- Centering telescope: Condenser Rack & pinion adjustable, NA=0.4,working distance: 50mm

Cung cấp bao gồm:

- 01 Kính hiển vi huỳnh quang PF-583I

- Túi bảo vệ

- Giấy bảo hành

- Hộp đựng kính
- Hướng dẫn sử dụng.

Vui lòng liên hệ chủ website.
- Optical system: Infinite Optical System
- Viewing head: Trinocular (Inclination of 30 độ, 100% image light for photography capable)
- Interpupillary Distance: 55mm - 75mm
- Eyepiece: WF 10X (20mm)
- Nosepiece: Quintuple nosepiece inner locating on ball bearing
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